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What to do after the Deed?

O que é a Planta do Imóvel?
You have bought a property... Congratulations!

Now you will have to deal with some matters urgently, especially if you bought the property as your own permanent residence.

1. Changing the fiscal address on the citizen card
Deadline: You only have 15 days to do it after the purchase for permanent residence.

You can change the address on the citizen card online on Portal do Cidadão (Citizen's Portal) or by going to a citizen card office.
You need the authentication PIN of the Citizen's Card and the address PIN assigned when the CC was issued.
The request can be made online if you have a card reader.
The change of address in person has a cost of 3€.
By changing the address in the CC, automatically it is also changed in the driving license.

2. Request for exemption of the Municipal Property Tax - IMI
Deadline: You have 60 days, after the acquisition title, to make the request.

The request can only be made after changing the address in the Finance Portal.
The request should be made in the Finance Department of the area where the building for which the exemption is requested is located or in the Electronic Finance Portal. 

3. Registar a mudança no documento único automóvel - DUA
Prazo: Tem até 60 dias após a alteração da morada no CC

Esta alteração poderá ser solicitada num balcão de uma conservatória com o preenchimento do modelo único para registo automóvel e tem um custo de 35€.
Em alternativa pode efetuar o pedido no portal Automóvel Online -, if you have a card reader, and it costs 29.80€. 

4. Water Supply
To conclude a water supply contract for the new house, you can do it in person at the municipal water and sanitation services, or through the email indicated by the municipality in the area of residence.
The documents required are usually
- Form (each municipality's own form);
- Citizen Card or Identity Card and Taxpayer Card;
- Title of acquisition;
- Updated Caderneta Predial Urbana (urban land registry)
- Proof of IBAN (in case of payment by direct debit)
Some councils already have an online procedure.
If the property already has a meter installed, it is compulsory to provide the current meter reading.
It makes the process easier if you have an old meter invoice with you.

5. Electricity and Gas Supply
When you move into a new home, you will need to choose an energy supply company for your residence. It is best to search among the companies on the free market and make a comparison of the tariffs and services that best suit your needs.
You will not need to change the energy meter that you have installed. Terminating the contract with the old operator is the responsibility of the new supplier.
The time it may take to connect electricity and/or natural gas at your new address is around 15 days, so you should request the connection sufficiently in advance.
The documents requested are usually:
- Taxpayer number;
- Delivery point code (included in the invoices);
- Bank identification number (in case of direct debit payment)
- Proof of the new address (e.g. copy of the title deed).

6. Transferring a telecommunications package (Tv-Net-Voice)
As a rule, telecommunication services are associated with an address, so the request for change of residence will imply the conclusion of a new contract and therefore a new period of loyalty. This new loyalty period may not be very rewarding, so the best thing to do is first check how long it is until the end of the loyalty period of the current package and who knows, maybe even change operator.
Some operators allow you to change your address. You should try to negotiate this situation before the deed.

7. Updating car insurance information
Let your insurer know you are changing your address. This may cost you money, for example, if your new address is in an area considered a higher risk for the insurer.
The opposite can also happen in the case of moving to an area considered less risky to the insurer.
Take advantage of this time to renegotiate the insurances.

8. Notifying the bank
You should notify your bank or any financial institutions with which you have a relationship by going to them with proof of address.

9. Access to public healthcare in your area of residence
If you want to go to the Health Unit in your new area of residence, you should go there to register. You will need to take with you your Citizen Card (which will have your health user number) and a proof of address.
Along with the copy of the deed, you can go to the Parish Council and request a declaration of address.

10. Requesting re-dispatch of postal mail
In order for your mail to be redirected to your new address, you should make a redispatch request at CTT. For this, you must fill in a form available on CTT's website - - and deliver it at least three days before the move. 

11. Verifying if the property is already registered at the Finance Department
When you do the deed, the property is automatically updated in the Conservatory for Real Estate Registry. However, the updating of the property in the finances is not immediate.
In the finance site, +/- 30 days after the deed, try to obtain the Property Book to confirm if the property is already in your name. Follow the link to know how to obtain the Property Book
If the property is not in your name yet, you should go to the finance office (take a copy of the deed) and ask them to make the change.

12. Notifying the Condominium of the change of ownership
If you bought a property that has a condominium, you should inform the building authority that the property has changed ownership.
The new owners should inform the building authority of the tax number, address, telephone number and email address and update this information when it changes.

13. Notifying the employer of a change of address

Tip: In the last months before you do the deed, keep all the letters you received from those you want to inform that you are going to change your address. This will allow you to avoid many embarrassments.

If it's easier for you, you can watch a video here where we talk about what to do after the deed.

If you are thinking of SELLING or BUYING, talk to our team 
so we can help you find out if the best time is NOW!
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